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1990 National Assembly

Thanks to John McCarthy & Kevin Forde for passing on this little beauty.   Filmed 27 years ago, in 1990 by Dirk Hüttemann, this 20 minute long clip is a nice trip down memory lane.

Note from Dirk;

  1. Please excuse the sometimes poor quality. It’s almost 30 years old and the old video tapes lose quality. And we are spoiled by today’s HD flatscreens or Bluray DVDs. 
  2. Video was shot with an old VHS camera big as a shoebox and difficult to hold steady by hand while riding. Camera in my right hand, throttle on my Indian is on the left. Aha, I hear you say, Indian was far ahead of it’s time!. 
  3. A fisheye lense helped to reduce shocks and blur a little only
  4. Electronic image disturbances were a result of heafty ignition sparks or poor condenser. 
  5. Roads were bad, but traffic little. We loved that. Today….
  6. if you don’t recognise competitors…some gained one or two stones(maximum), lost some hair etc.