The 53rd Irish National Assembly

Next week (Aug 26-30) sees the Club’s big event, the National, take place over the roads of West Cork & Kerry. Now in its 53rd year, the 2019 event caters for over 120 bikes that will complete the touring event over a four day period, Tuesday to Friday.

As usual, the event is based in Killarney’s superb Castlerosse Hotel and it is from here you can see the bikes depart each morning from approximately 09.30 as they head off each day over the challenging roads in the locale.

3 thoughts on “The 53rd Irish National Assembly

  1. Vock, christopher

    Hi i wish to send you my film of the 2000 rally. The one attended by the late BudnEkins. How? Do you have Facebook or a email?
    Christopher Vock

    Ps how can i sign up for next year?


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